20+ best free virtual phone number in 2020
- Использовать специальные сервисы
- JavaScript
- Versioning and Announcements
- Quick Examples
- Receiving SMS — Information for the user
- Need more customization?
- Comparison with other libraries
- Usage
- Utilities Script
- Memory Usage
- Compatibility
- Changing phone number settings
- Поиск человека с помощью поисковых систем
- Trace a Phone Number Online
- Re-assigning a phone number
- Trace a mobile number
- Batch assigning phone numbers
- Obtaining phone numbers
- Как найти человека по номеру телефона бесплатно
- High Accuracy
- Basic Usage
- Recommended Usage
- Загуглить
Использовать специальные сервисы
Новые сайты, на которых можно пробить номер мобильного, появляются регулярно. Но стоит ли им верить?
К примеру, вот один из первых в выдаче поисковика – phonenumber.to. Достоверность – как повезёт.
Мусора в сервисе тоже достаточно. Посмотрите, к примеру, на результаты последних запросов, которые сервис открыто светит на главной странице.
Владелец сайта утверждает, что использует разные программные технологии, чтобы собранная информация была как можно точнее и объёмнее. Данные получают из открытых источников (та же поисковая выдача), API других сайтов, от людей, которые собирают и продают базы мобильных. Добавляют информацию и сами пользователи, не о себе, конечно.
UPD: после публикации статьи с нами связался пользователь, номер которого показывался на главной странице ресурса. Пользователь утверждает, что номер и нелестная характеристика были в отместку добавлены в базу сотрудником компании, с которой он отказался работать.
Выводы: 1. Такое может случиться с каждым. 2. Уровень доверия к phonenumber.to и ему подобным сами понимаете какой.
Аналогичные услуги предоставляет сайт nomer.me. Здесь обещают пробить не только номер и предоставить «ФИО, адрес прописки/регистрации, дату рождения, паспортные данные владельца, тариф, баланс, дату открытия (подключения) номера, историю владельцев номера телефона, а так же кто являлся владельцем номера телефона в заданный промежуток времени или получить полный список бывших владельцев» (орфография автора сохранена).
Разработчики утверждают, что информацию получают от сотрудников сотовых компаний, а не из оффлайн-баз, так что актуальность выше. Могут назвать и другие телефоны, которые принадлежат владельцу указанного номера.
Дадут почитать и SMS, и детализацию звонков предоставят. Также проверяют кредитную историю и т.п.
Естественно, за всё берётся полная предоплата, что уже настораживает.
Технически нет ничего невозможного. У операторов действительно хранятся данные об абоненте. Вопрос лишь в том, будут ли сотрудники ОПСОСа, обладающие нужным уровнем доступа, подставляться ради нескольких сотен рублей.
Каждый сотрудник подписывает договор о неразглашении конфиденциальной информации (NDA). Нарушение чревато увольнением и заведением уголовного дела.
Но отзывы о сервисе скорее негативные. «Лохотрон» – самое мягкое из определений обманутых клиентов. Дескать, обещают много, деньги берут, результата нет. В общество прав потребителей с таким не сунешься.
Собственно, проверить такие сервисы просто. Закажите пробить информацию о собственном номере телефона, и сразу всё поймёте.
Versioning and Announcements
We generally choose the release number following these guidelines.
If any of the changes pushed to master since the last release are incompatible
with the intent / specification of an existing libphonenumber API or may cause
libphonenumber (Java, C++, or JS) clients to have to change their code to keep
building, we publish a major release. For example, if the last release were
7.7.3, the new one would be 8.0.0.
If any of those changes enable clients to update their code to take advantage
of new functionality, and if clients would have to roll-back these changes in
the event that the release was marked as «bad», we publish a minor release. For
example, we’d go from 7.7.3 to 7.8.0.
Otherwise, including when a release contains only
changes, we publish a sub-minor release,
e.g. 7.7.3 to 7.7.4.
Quick Examples
Let’s say you have a string representing a phone number from Switzerland. This
is how you parse/normalize it into a object:
String swissNumberStr = "044 668 18 00"; PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); try { PhoneNumber swissNumberProto = phoneUtil.parse(swissNumberStr, "CH"); } catch (NumberParseException e) { System.err.println("NumberParseException was thrown: " + e.toString()); }
At this point, contains:
{ "country_code": 41, "national_number": 446681800 }
is a class that was originally auto-generated from
with necessary modifications for efficiency. For details on
the meaning of each field, refer to .
Now let us validate whether the number is valid:
boolean isValid = phoneUtil.isValidNumber(swissNumberProto); // returns true
There are a few formats supported by the formatting method, as illustrated
// Produces "+41 44 668 18 00" System.out.println(phoneUtil.format(swissNumberProto, PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL)); // Produces "044 668 18 00" System.out.println(phoneUtil.format(swissNumberProto, PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL)); // Produces "+41446681800" System.out.println(phoneUtil.format(swissNumberProto, PhoneNumberFormat.E164));
You could also choose to format the number in the way it is dialed from another
// Produces "011 41 44 668 1800", the number when it is dialed in the United States. System.out.println(phoneUtil.formatOutOfCountryCallingNumber(swissNumberProto, "US"));
Receiving SMS — Information for the user
Currently, a growing number of websites – social media platforms, online stores, different services came to use a registration confirm (other times even authorization) by sending an SMS on cell phone numbers. This association can be exceptionally usefully if you would like to protect meaningful data on your account, but it has disadvantages. Nobody ensures you that spammers won’t get point-out information, and they will tire the owner of the smartphone filling up the ads and “hot deals” permanently.Fortunately, by virtue of our service providing free SMS numbers, anyone who feels like it is able to register on the targeted website without the necessity of pointing out your actual number, thus you would ensure yourselves against intrusive advertising.Advantages do not end here. Online SMS-receiving also allow:
- Realize a plural of registries on websites. It is often that creates an account needs not only to note your telephone number but limits users on the principle of “one account – one number”. But you can make a large number of profiles, for example, on Facebook, Google or eBay, as many as you want. It may be useful specifically to publishers and SMM proficients using accounts on social networks for promoting their projects and making money on this.
- Save the anonymity. It is notorious knowing the number allows finding out a lot of facts about its owner, up to a full file and location address. Far from everybody can make mind to it. Fortunately, free SMS numbers save you from the necessity to show your real number on the Internet.
- Protection against intruders. Safety for Internet users is very important, especially for who makes financial business in an online environment and keeps meaningful data on the computer. If the website, on which you want to register, carry little credibility, it is a headlong decision to enter personal information, whether that be your full name, account number or phone number. Making a “fake” save you from risk because free SMS numbers are not assigned to neither your personality nor your IP-address you come on the website of our service.
- Event and distribution participation. A large number of websites run campaigns and free distribution of different worth things (for example, digital keys for some software), and they add an association to a phone number in order to not allow to people to overdo their actions, taking a large number of same presents per customer. Free SMS numbers allow to pass these issues and to collect perks by the hundreds literally, either you want to keep or to resale it.
- Passing geography-specific issues. It is known that there are cases when one or another project on the net do not allow to register for people from some countries. It may happen because of some bureaucratic stuff, for example, if one of the business partners of some service buys out exclusive rights on working with users of your region, but often the reason is so common at all. SMS of local operator just do not arrive in the foreign addressee. Our service deals with this issue too, providing free SMS numbers from different countries.
Need more customization?
You can access the metadata powering PhoneNumberKit yourself, this enables you to program any behaviours as they may be implemented in PhoneNumberKit itself. It does mean you are exposed to the less polished interface of the underlying file format. If you program something you find useful please push it upstream!
phoneNumberKit.metadata(for: "AU")?.mobile?.exampleNumber // 412345678
From Xcode 11+ :
- Select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency. Enter in the «Choose Package Repository» dialog.
- In the next page, specify the version resolving rule as «Up to Next Major» with «3.3.0».
- After Xcode checked out the source and resolving the version, you can choose the «PhoneNumberKit» library and add it to your app target.
Alternatively, you can also add PhoneNumberKit to your file:
dependencies [ .package(url: "https://github.com/marmelroy/PhoneNumberKit", .upToNextMajor(from: "3.3.1")) ]
Setting up with Carthage
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that automates the process of adding frameworks to your Cocoa application.
$ brew update $ brew install carthage
To integrate PhoneNumberKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your :
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git' pod 'PhoneNumberKit', '~> 3.3'
Comparison with other libraries
Since this library is pre-compiled, it doesn’t depend on the closure compiler, and needs not load it on start. This makes the library faster and saves you a lot of space. It also means this library is trivial to use in any project (or using any other means to run in the browser).
Among all the phone number libraries using Google’s , only this one, (2.0.0) and (0.2.2) had decent README’s with examples. Other libraries embedding the closure compiler should get comparable figures.
Loading the closure compiler also adds to the application memory usage (RSS is measured here). The library footprints are also bigger, making slower and increasing deploy times.
A test program loading a library, then parsing a phone number is called 100 times for each library, the mean values are:
Action | awesome-phonenumber (7.5.2) | google-libphonenumber (7.6.1) | node-phonenumber (7.5.2) |
Load library first time | 20.84 ms | 60.99ms | 99.27 ms |
Parse first phone number | 5.79 ms | 6.51 ms | 8.15 ms |
Parse second phone number | 0.33 ms | 0.67 ms | 0.80 ms |
Increased memory usage | 7.3 M | 13.8 M | 22.5 M |
node_modules size | 248 K | 436 K | 57 M |
node_modules files | 7 | 7 | 4525 |
time npm install | 667 ms | 700 ms | 4077 ms |
Import PhoneNumberKit at the top of the Swift file that will interact with a phone number.
import PhoneNumberKit
All of your interactions with PhoneNumberKit happen through a PhoneNumberKit object. The first step you should take is to allocate one.
A PhoneNumberKit instance is relatively expensive to allocate (it parses the metadata and keeps it in memory for the object’s lifecycle), you should try and make sure PhoneNumberKit is allocated once and deallocated when no longer needed.
let phoneNumberKit = PhoneNumberKit()
To parse a string, use the parse function. The region code is automatically computed but can be overridden if needed. PhoneNumberKit automatically does a hard type validation to ensure that the object created is valid, this can be quite costly performance-wise and can be turned off if needed.
do { let phoneNumber = try phoneNumberKit.parse("+33 6 89 017383") let phoneNumberCustomDefaultRegion = try phoneNumberKit.parse("+44 20 7031 3000", withRegion: "GB", ignoreType: true) } catch { print("Generic parser error") }
If you need to parse and validate a large amount of numbers at once, PhoneNumberKit has a special, lightning fast array parsing function. The default region code is automatically computed but can be overridden if needed. Here you can also ignore hard type validation if it is not necessary. Invalid numbers are ignored in the resulting array.
let rawNumberArray = let phoneNumbers = phoneNumberKit.parse(rawNumberArray) let phoneNumbersCustomDefaultRegion = phoneNumberKit.parse(rawNumberArray, withRegion: "DE", ignoreType: true)
PhoneNumber objects are immutable Swift structs with the following properties:
phoneNumber.numberString phoneNumber.countryCode phoneNumber.nationalNumber phoneNumber.numberExtension phoneNumber.type // e.g Mobile or Fixed
Formatting a PhoneNumber object into a string is also very easy
phoneNumberKit.format(phoneNumber, toType: .e164) // +61236618300 phoneNumberKit.format(phoneNumber, toType: .international) // +61 2 3661 8300 phoneNumberKit.format(phoneNumber, toType: .national) // (02) 3661 8300
Utilities Script
The utilities script (build/js/utils.js) is a custom build of Google’s libphonenumber which enables the following features:
- Formatting upon initialisation, as well as with and
- Validation with , and methods
- Placeholder set to an example number for the selected country — even specify the type of number (e.g. mobile) using the option
- Extract the standardised (E.164) international number with even when using the option
International number formatting/validation is hard (it varies by country/district, and we currently support ~230 countries). The only comprehensive solution I have found is libphonenumber, from which I have precompiled the relevant parts into a single JavaScript file and included in the build directory. Unfortunately even after minification it is still ~215KB, but if you use the option then it will only fetch the script when the page has finished loading (to prevent blocking). If size is not a concern, then you can manually include the script yourself however you like, and as long as it has loaded before you initialise the plugin then it should work fine.
To recompile the utils script yourself (e.g. to update the version of libphonenumber it is built from), see the .
Memory Usage
The library includes a lot of metadata, giving a significant memory overhead. This metadata is loaded on-demand so that
the memory footprint of applications that only use a subset of the library functionality is not adversely affected.
In particular:
- The geocoding metadata (which is over 100 megabytes) is only loaded on the first use of
one of the geocoding functions (,
or ). - The carrier metadata is only loaded on the first use of one of the mapping functions (
or ). - The timezone metadata is only loaded on the first use of one of the timezone functions (
or ). - The normal metadata for each region is only loaded on the first time that metadata for that region is needed.
If you need to ensure that the metadata memory use is accounted for at start of day (i.e. that a subsequent on-demand
load of metadata will not cause a pause or memory exhaustion):
- Force-load the geocoding metadata by invoking .
- Force-load the carrier metadata by invoking .
- Force-load the timezone metadata by invoking .
- Force-load the normal metadata by calling .
The version of the package does not include the geocoding, carrier and timezone metadata,
which can be useful if you have problems installing the main package due to space/memory limitations.
This tool is compatible with the majority of the devices. Since, the producers adopted the global positioning technology, compatibility issues have importantly decreased. Nowadays, the entire phone companies and phone operators uses the same technology, the only thing that’s different is the branding. In terms of GPS, the service is the same. What can make the difference is the quality of the transmitters that enhance the signal power and thus offer greater accuracy.
You can find on the tracing panel, a list of our certified collaborators. Different manufacturers and phone operators all around the world, that use the same tracing funnel.
Changing phone number settings
Account owners and admins can set phone numbers to only allow outgoing or incoming calling. Setting a number to incoming only can be useful if you want to block all incoming calls to that number; for example, if you assigned the number to a Zoom Room that is receiving a lot of spam calls.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then .
- Click the Assigned or Unassigned tab.
- Click the number you want to edit.
- You can change these settings:
- Display Name: Click Edit to customize the internal-only display name for the phone. Use a display name that helps phone users identify the number when changing their outbound caller ID.Note: The display name does not affect the outbound caller ID seen by the receiving party.
Capability: Click the check boxes to enable outgoing or incoming calling for the number. After changing this setting, numbers will be labelled as Outgoing or Incoming in the desktop client and web portal.
- If only Outgoing is checked: The number can only be used to make calls and can’t receive calls.
- If only Incoming is checked: The number can only be used for receiving calls and can’t make calls. Emergency calling will not be available for the number.Note: Phone users will be able to select incoming numbers as their caller ID but can’t make calls using these numbers.
Поиск человека с помощью поисковых систем
1. Первое, что приходит на ум – проверить номер в Google, Яндекс и других поисковиках. Таким способом мы узнаем: страницы, где когда-либо появлялся телефон и регион по коду оператора, а это: социальные сети, объявления, анкеты, мероприятия (где был зарегистрирован номер) и так далее. И это наш первый шаг.
3. Следующим шагом будет переходом в соответствующее приложение и там уже можно будет получить полезную информацию – имя и фамилию, фотографию и когда был в онлайне наш пользователь.
3. 1. Если у вас есть официальное приложение Вконтакте на смартфоне, то вы в самом приложении, а именно, в настройках заходите в “Учетная запись”, далее – “Синхронизация контактов”, выбираем “Только контакты”. Получаем искомую страницу. Этот шаг был бы финальным, но для его выполнения желательно иметь “чистый” номер телефона, в контактах которого сохранен только один контакт – человека которого мы ищем и это для того, чтобы не запутаться. Поэтому, переходим к следующему шагу.
4. Заходим в ВК (без авторизации), нажимаем «Восстановить пароль» и в соответствующем поле пишем номер телефона того, кого ищем.
4. 1. После прохождения проверки (капчи) вводим фамилию, которую мы могли узнать в мессенджерах.
4. 2. И только после данного алгоритма действий Вконтаке нам предоставит полное имя и фотографию профиля.
4. 3. И, получив снимок искомого человека, прогоняем его через поиск по картинкам(Google или Яндекс), где мы узнаем, на каких сайтах также было опубликована фотография. На этом и заканчивается наш первый вариант поиска информации о владельце номера.
Trace a Phone Number Online
Trace-Phonenumber is an online tool that provides real time positioning on a global map. You can use this platform on any device (Mobile or Computer). As long as there is internet connection to reach our servers, it is possible to make a free phone tracing operation.
Working 24 hours on 24, our system is dedicated to fulfilling your tracing requests. We developed an automated and highly effective system that provide an accurate and precise phone tracing.
Our website will provide you with the essential information and simple guides to help you to trace a phone number online. You do not really need much technical knowledge to use the platform, but people get somehow confused because of the stress. That’s why, it was important to set up some guidelines and direct instructions for people who want to trace a phone number online.
Re-assigning a phone number
After assigning a phone number, you can re-assign it between extensions.
Note: You can also .
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then .
- Click the tab.
- Click the number you want to re-assign.
- Click Edit next to the phone user, call queue, or auto receptionist, common area phone, or Zoom Room.
- Select an extensions to assign the number to:
- UserNote: The phone user may receive an email notification with their phone number and a link to update their emergency address. You can enable or disable email notifications.
- Common Area Phone
- Shared Line Group
- Call Queue
- Auto Receptionist
- Zoom Room
- Use the text box to search extensions.
- Click OK.
Trace a mobile number
It is one of the most useful services, as it helps the users with robberies, parental control and managerial issues. Each person will eventually face in his life a situation where he will need to trace a mobile number. You can’t trace a mobile number as easy as it is portrayed in movies, when the detectives are trying to keep the suspect in line for 30 seconds. In fact, the process is much complicated and require the mobilization of many assets. Moreover, the legislation can be a real obstacle to that, because having such tools at the disposal of everyone can damage the stability of a country. We will be having a paranoid life, checking constantly if we are being followed, if someone is conducting surveillance on us.
To avoid such problems, we implemented an identity verification process to limit the abuses. This measure is also protective against robots, who can exploit the system and harm our servers. Other people can automate systems and works as resellers of a free service. We want every person that wants to trace a mobile number, to be aware of its legal position and it is our rule to make sure that everything works in accordance with the law. We took care of building a system in full accordance with the laws, especially in our modern context when privacy and data are a big polemic.
So, take it easy and follow the instructions to trace a mobile number. We’ve put everything in order, and if something eventually goes wrong, your legal position is fully protected.
Start by accessing the tracing panel, where you should enter your device’s data. A comment section is available: if you have any question look among the comments, you may find your answer.
You can also post your question; you will get a response within 48 hours, or if you wish to keep a private contact, send a message through our contact section. Once, the tracking process is over, you may face an identity verification; it normally takes 2-3 minutes to complete it. Make sure to enter valid info and you will get redirected to a map that shows your mobile’s position.
Batch assigning phone numbers
After , you can batch assign them to any extension using a CSV file.
Note: You can follow these steps to re-assign phone numbers between extensions or assign your unassigned phone numbers to extensions. If you’re performing the later, then copy and paste the numbers to the CSV sample file.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- Click Phone System Management > .
- Click Import.
- Click CSV Sample to download a sample CSV file and view the required fields.
- Fill out the CSV sample using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel.Note: Do not delete the first row with the field names.
- Phone Number: Enter the assigned or unassigned phone number. If the phone number is already assigned to a user, it will be reassigned to the user you specify.
- Extension Number: The associated extension number of the phone user you want to assign the phone number to. Leave this blank if you don’t want to assign the associated phone number.
- Go back to the Zoom web portal and click Upload CSV. Select your completed CSV file to start the batch process.
Note: If there’s an error in one or more fields, the batch process will not complete. You will have these options:
- Click Details to see a description of fields that were not filled in correctly.
- (If applicable) Click Ignore Issues and Upload Others to continue the batch process. Any rows in the CSV with errors will not be imported. You won’t see this option if all rows have errors.
- If all rows in the CSV have errors, the batch process will not complete. Click Reupload after you fix the CSV file.
- Click Close to cancel the batch import process.
- ClickCloseif the batch process is successful.
Obtaining phone numbers
You must obtain phone numbers before assigning them to users.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then .
- Click Add.
- Enter the required information:
- Target Site (only visible if you have multiple sites): Select the site you want to obtain phone numbers for.
- Emergency Addresses (only visible if you don’t have multiple sites): Select an emergency address to apply to the phone numbers, or click Add to add a new address. The emergency address associated with the site will be applied to the phone numbers.
Select the type of phone number you want to obtain: Local (Domestic) or Toll-free.Note: You need the toll-free license to obtain toll-free numbers.
: Select the country or region to search for available phone numbers.
- State/Province/Territory: Select the state, province, or territory from the drop-down menu to view associated area codes.
- Area Code — City: Enter an area code or city to search area codes or cities in the selected state/province/territory. Alternatively, select an area code or city using the drop-down menu.
- (Optional) Click Advanced to use the following advanced search features:
- Check Sequential to sort available numbers sequentially.
- Use the text box beside the area code to search available numbers by prefix. The prefix contains numbers after the area code. You can also enter letters to search for a vanity phone number that spells out a brand, word, or phrase. For example, if you search for the letters YKI, it will search for numbers with the prefix 954.
- Click Search Numbers.Note: If there are no numbers available for the area, click Create Ticket to submit a request to obtain numbers. You can also request a vanity toll-free number.
- Select the phone numbers you want to obtain, or click the Select All check box to select all phone numbers in the search results.
- Click Confirm .
Как найти человека по номеру телефона бесплатно
Можно ли найти человека по номеру телефона бесплатно? Можно, но не всегда. И делать это придется самостоятельно, потому что бесплатно искать никто никого не будет. Бесплатные сайты, конечно же, существуют, но при вводе номера телефона вам поступит минимальная информация: область, где зарегистрирован абонент, дата регистрации и компания-оператор. Вряд ли эти данные кого-то устроят. Для получения сведений об абоненте нужно послать запрос оператору. Во-первых, услуга перейдет в разряд платных, а во-вторых, владельца сим-карты поставят в известность и информацию выдадут только с его разрешения.
Самый простой бесплатный способ найти человека по номеру телефона – это социальные сети. Ведь пользователей социальных сетей очень много, а потому вероятность того что разыскиваемый вами человек зарегистрирован хоть в одной из них весьма высока. Но для получения информации необходимо самому пройти регистрацию. Начинайте с самых популярных, таких как «Одноклассники», «Вконтакте», «Фейсбук» и т.п. Просто введите в поисковую строку номер телефона, и если человек опубликовал на своей странице персональные данные, то вы его найдете.
Есть вероятность найти человека по номеру телефона на специальных порталах наподобие «КтоЗвонил». Там имеются практически все номера, и любой человек может оставлять отзыв под каким-либо абонентом. Публикация персональной информации на подобных порталах – не редкость, особенно в случаях предъявления претензий интернет-юзерами, обвинения в мошенничестве, например.
Имеет смысл поискать на сайтах работы по анкетам. Люди зачастую при заполнении резюме указывают не только контактные данные, но и личную информацию.
High Accuracy
Before officially launching this service, our team ran multiple accuracy tests in order to determine the accuracy of the system. The results were overall positive; you can trace a phone number and expect to find its right position 95%. This percentage is not stable, it can decreased or increased if there are elements in the environment that affect the signal power.
Under rare circumstances, if the cellphone is within an environment that affects badly the power of the signal or kills it, it is hard or impossible to trace the phone number. It’s due to the fact that the system is based on GSM technology that only function within a signal eligible perimeter.
The high accuracy portrayed through a significant percentage of 95%, shows that this is one the strongest phone-tracking tool.
Basic Usage
Returns a object version of the supplied with the code.
If the number is passed in an international format (e.g. ), then the region code is not needed, and can be . Failing that, the library will use the region code to work out the phone number based on rules loaded for that region.
$phoneNumberUtil = \libphonenumber\PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance(); $phoneNumberObject = $phoneNumberUtil->parse('0117 496 0123', 'GB'); $phoneNumberObject = $phoneNumberUtil->parse('+44 117 496 0123', null); $phoneNumberObject = $phoneNumberUtil->parse('00 44 117 496 0123', 'FR'); $phoneNumberObject = $phoneNumberUtil->parse('117 496 0123', 'GB');
All the above examples return the same , which contains:
A will be thrown if it is unable to obtain a viable number. For example, if the number is too short/long, or the region is invalid. This does not tell you whether the number is valid or not. In order to determine whether the number is valid, it needs to be checked in the validation functions.
The returned object is used with other functions to provide additional information.
Recommended Usage
We highly recommend you (lazy) load the included utils.js using the option. Then the plugin is built to always deal with numbers in the full international format (e.g. «+17024181234») and convert them accordingly — even when or is enabled. We recommend you get, store, and set numbers exclusively in this format for simplicity — then you don’t have to deal with handling the country code separately, as full international numbers include the country code information.
You can always get the full international number (including country code) using , then you only have to store that one string in your database (you don’t have to store the country separately), and then the next time you initialise the plugin with that number it will automatically set the country and format it according to the options you specify (e.g. if you enable it will automatically remove the international dial code for you).
Самый простой и совершенно легальный способ многое узнать о владельце мобильного номера. Эту информацию люди нередко оставляют в открытом доступе.
Форумы, доски объявлений, социальные сети… Если человек хотя бы раз «засветил» номер в сети, велика вероятность найти это сообщение, по нему перейти в профиль и т.п.
Если ник сравнительно редкий или вы узнали что-то ещё, можете гуглить дальше. Комбинации «ник + город», «ник + фамилия», «ник + марка машины» и т.д. дадут дополнительную информацию.
Наконец, если вы по номеру нашли фото человека, есть смысл воспользоваться сервисом FindFace. Он находит профили людей «ВКонтакте» по фото и даёт на них ссылки:
Часто бывает, что звонят с незнакомого номера и сбрасывают. Звонок на такой номер может быть платным. Пострадавшие нередко выкладывают номера в интернет, так что гуглить номер перед звонком полезно.